About Garden 278...

A urban garden project from scratch

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

New garden!

So, while I was away in America, Jon kept himself busy in the garden (but didn't tell me!) clearing the last part which I had been putting off having dumped all of the rubbish up there from the rest of the garden. I wandered out to look at my flowers to find a whole new garden!


We have grass and a path all the way to the back of the garden! Potatoes are also growing well, and you may have noticed a small ginger cat sitting on the brick shed base...not ours but he visits regualrly. Now all the weeds have gone, we had space to fill so we have planted onions, sweetcorn, tomatoes, radishes with courgettes and mint waiting to go in.

Some garden flowers...

Ginger cat in the flower bed...

1 comment:

  1. Put the mint in a pot with the bottom knocked out of it -the roots run everywhere!
