About Garden 278...

A urban garden project from scratch

Friday, 16 July 2010

First crop

I'm quietly pleased with my first crop of home grown peas. I've never grown anything edible before so I'm quite pleased with myself! A note for next year, plant them out earlier and plant some more later on so I have a longer crop. I'm not sure how successful my tripod of canes were either so I think next time I'll tie them to single canes.

I also scattered some flower seeds which came up quickly only to be dug up by a little critter. I'm guessing as there were a few nuts in the hole that it is probably a squirrel...

I have been away teaching for four days and I love to come back and see what's happened in the garden while I have been away. The potatoes have grown another few inches and some have flowers on them now. I'm sad my sweet pea wall is somewhat of a failure. Twice as many plants next year and again plant them earlier.

No signs of the tadpoles or any frogs though....